The iconic Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of San Francisco known all over the world.  From educational institutions to the vibrant tech scene, the San Francisco Bay Area represents creative thinking and new ways to address the challenges of tomorrow.

In the Bay Area, changing the future means collaboration and connection, and that means a network strong, secure, and reliable enough to power that change. For innovative companies, Mosaic NetworX offers the fully scalable, unrestricted capacity of DARK FIBER in the San Francisco Bay Area.

How are innovative companies in San Francisco using DARK FIBER today?

  • A world-class database provider is moving large datasets from one server to another. Data transfers can choke a network, particularly if that network is supporting a large number of users. A private network built on DARK FIBER allows this leading technology provider to transmit large file-sets between locations and organizations without congestion or interruption.
  • A popular social network platform is transmitting sensitive business intelligence and user information between datacenters. With hundreds of millions of users connecting with each other billions of times a day, protecting user data is of paramount importance to this organization. A private network built on DARK FIBER insures this platform sustains the security necessary to keep their users’ trust.
  • An international financial institution is buying and selling securities on exchanges around the world.  The speed at which trades are made in financial markets can mean the difference between a gain or a loss. A private network built on DARK FIBER keeps the traders connected and working at the same speed as the market itself. This organization counts on their private connection to send buy and sell orders faster than they could with standard internet service.

Mosaic NetworX provides flexible DARK FIBER solutions to data centers as well as enterprise locations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

If your organization needs a private, fully scalable, unrestricted network, click here to contact a DARK FIBER expert at Mosaic NetworX.

Many Networks One Solution®

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